Contact persons

Yammen Al Shumali
0521/ 5219041
We are certified to

Office hours
Monday to Thursday: 10 am to 1 pm
Monday: 2 pm to 4 pm
>> Due to the Coronaschutzverordnung, all events except the first orientation courses, integration courses and offers in the field of children and young people cannot take place.
The Institute for Peace Education (IFF) has been a continuing education institution accredited under the Continuing Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia and sponsored by the International Begegnungszentrum Friedenshaus e. V.
With our continuing education work, we want to promote personal development, expand competencies and strengthen the ability to (co-) shape one’s own life as well as the democratic community.
Please note that the registration for the courses takes place online via the registration form or in person at the IFF office.